Saturday, February 28, 2009

Here's how I made amends...

I ended up asking Ella what would make her feel better about the situation (thanks for the suggestion to the person who made it). She said "You could buy me a new Marie....or you could make a dress for this Marie to make her feel pretty again." Soooooo I spent a couple hours making a dress for Marie and made a quick trip to the store to buy special buttons for Marie's dress. After I made the dress, she decided that everyone needed party hats (why not?) so we all got some party hats to celebrate Marie's new-found beauty. Here are the results...
If the hat and the dress were all white, I'd say she looks more like "KKK Marie" than "Party Marie."

Docile, beautiful Marie. Check out the button.

From a distance...

The Partiers
Yes, there's even a little spot cut out of the dress for Marie's tail to go thru.Non-party going Marie.


Alice ~ Folk Art Primitives said...

Good job, Mama!!

Tori :) said...

KKK marie, huh? ;) and just as a random aside, I loved the Aristocats as a kid. I, too, have a stuffed marie that looks quite similar to ella's marie.

Anonymous said...

You want me to wash and dry it for you?

Tori :) said...

no thanks.