Monday, February 02, 2009

Girl, You Know Its True

We all have songs in our i-pod that we would rather not let people know that we listen to. I got my Mom an i-pod for Christmas and helped my Dad set up the songs on it. I realized that I was helping him pick out the most lame songs ever to put on her i-pod because she has horrendous taste in music (need I even say the name "Sandy Patty," Mom?). She and my brother vy for the most lame music on my i-pod award (need I even mention that he's a Fan-ilow?).

So in the spirit of providing you all with TMI, I listed the most lame songs I have on my i-pod (these are few and far between the regular stuff, I promise, but yes, they are actually in there).

Vote for your favorite (or non-favorite if you will).

******Update: I just called my Mom to see which one she thought was the most lame (given her stellar taste in music) and she said to me "You've got all those in your i-pod? Do I have those 'cause I'd really like them. All but Michael Jackson. I don't like him."********


Tori :) said...

All of them are pretty lame, but I chose the Garth Brooks/Chris Gaines song because... well, it's Garth Brooks masquerading as a fictional alt rocker. It doesn't get much lamer than that. But I'm sure you didn't need me to tell you that.

Annie said...

Does it make you feel better that someone was selling the CD in my garage sale and I lifted it from the box going to goodwill (cause it didn't sell), put the song in my computer, then put it back for donation??

Tori :) said...

Not really. ;)