Thursday, May 17, 2007

Pomp and Circumstance

Last Thursday was a big day for Ella and Myles. It was Story Hour Graduation Day. That's right, those two little darlings graduated from their first year of story hour. They celebrated with a feast of pizza rolls, chicken nuggets, chips, and ice cream. Myles decided to bypass eating the pizza rolls and nuggets to go straight for the chips and three bowls of ice cream. The salty and the that's the kind of guy Uncle Aron likes.
The woman on the left is Janet who is a coworker of my Mom's. She was my softball coach for many a season when I was growing up including the infamous game versus a rival town that required an ambulance be called three times due to injuries. I think that was the game that the opposing coach keyed Janet's car but I'm not sure. We won...that's all I remember.

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