Monday, April 23, 2007

Just hangin out in my sweet ride with my tasty snacks...

Who doesn't enjoy a ride in your little red wagon with some Sesame Street juice, Trader Joe's dried blueberries, and iced animal cookies?

(A special thanks to Jeanne's Mom, Dianne, for watching Natalie while Jeanne and I made a quick pit stop to Trader Joe's on Friday.)


Tori said...

what is it with this kid and the trader joe blueberries??

Anonymous said...

I don't know...I think I need to buy a blueberry farm so I can make my own because he eats so many of them!

Anonymous said...

There is a cool blueberry farm out past Highland somewhere - we always go there in the summer. Yummmy - fresh blueberries. You'd be his true love forever, Anna!!