Saturday, April 14, 2007

Genetics are weird

Ella looks like me. No surprise there. People tell me this all the time--friends, family, perfect strangers, EVERYONE. I freely admit it (except she has Aron's eyebrows). Her personality, though, is 99.5% Aron. Is it genetic? Is it that they're both first borns?
I say it's a genetic thing.
When she sees a door that's slightly ajar, she's gotta close it (how many times have I been asked if there's a reason why the bathroom door is still open even though no one's in there?). She enjoys getting messy but in a controlled type environment that allows for easy clean up once she's done. She's not the kid to play in the mud then "forget" to take her shoes off before she enters the house and tracks mud all over. Even food choices are becoming more and more toward Aron's preference. She doesn't eat chicken (I think we all remember that she's NEVER liked chicken even in utero). She doesn't see the point in having chocolate pudding when you could have a more tasty vanilla (who ever invented vanilla pudding anyway? It's like having no flavor to a pudding. Like eating big gelatinous blobs of goo if you ask me.). She enjoys a good piece of pie. She also dips every food she can into ranch dressing (a little goes a long way if you ask me). She wouldn't touch a pickle to save her life (who doesn't enjoy a good pickle?). When we're in the car, she doesn't like the music too loud (I've frequently been told to "turn it down a bit" and "stop singing so loud, please, Mommy").
But one thing of mine she got. My tendency toward a silly face when posing for the camera.
Score one for me, baby. SCORE ONE FOR ME!


Anonymous said...

Speaking of cheesey smiles, where did your picture go? I liked the cute, cheesey smile of you that you had on the blog!

Tori said...

yeah, head turned to the side, cheesy grin...that's 100% annie. just look at my ohio state photo albums if you don't believe it.