Saturday, April 07, 2007

Do you like it shaken or stirred?

Myles came over for a play date today. We did some crafting-mostly finger painting. Luke is a tad little for finger painting still so I gave him something else to keep him occupied. I tried to give all the kids a glass of chocolate milk with lunch. I started to shake Ella's in her sippy cup but then she told me she'd rather have it stirred with a spoon because it tastes better. My 3 year old prefers her chocolate milk stirred not shaken? What has this world come to?


Anonymous said...

Honestly, I'm with Ella. I prefer mine stirred, too. Although, it depends on if you are using powdered chocolate or liquid chocolate. The liquid is always better and I suppose it doesn't really matter if it's shaken or stirred, although I still prefer it to be stirred; it makes it more evenly chocolate. But if it's powder, it has to be stirred - otherwise, there will be chunks of powder that aren't mixed well. That Ella is a smart girl!

Anonymous said...

I'm a weirdo. I enjoy the powder more than the liquid BECAUSE you get the little chunks of not-mixed-in powder. It reminds me of when I was little and I used to drink Carnation Instant Breakfast and my Mom didn't have the patience to stir the powder in the milk (sorry Mom but you know it's true).

The kids, however, use the Hershey's syrup with added calcium.