Thursday, May 18, 2006

I'm not sure if I should laugh or make the call

Ella's ability to put together sentences is really coming along. It seems like just last week we were happy that she could put together 3-4 word phrases (like "I have more juice?"). She has gained the ability to put together bigger sentences with better grammatical structure. Unfortunately, she tends to use it for bad rather than good sometimes. She likes to talk about our cat and her potty habits. She likes to tell people who come over "Janey goes poop in box in garage. Not on floor." She's very mystified by Jane's ability to go potty in a box. I was getting ready to take Ella potty yesterday when she stopped and said "Ella go poopy in Janey's box?" Um, no.

Last night, Luke, Ella, and I were all playing on the floor in our living room. Luke didn't have a shirt on because I had spilled some of his applesauce on the front of it. I hadn't put a replacement on him because I didn't feel like running upstairs so he just had his jeans on . Ella stopped playing, reached over to Luke and smooshed his little pecs together and said "Lukie. You have little baby Buddha boobies." (If you want to have a little silly fun, try to say "little baby Buddha boobies" 5 times fast). Although, I was impressed with her ability to say that phrase and to come up with it on her own I'm hoping she never uses it again. Let's hope, shall we?

Luke's development has been coming along, too. He's now able to crawl backward. It's still a bit awkward but he's really starting to get up on his hands and knees and rock back and forth. He really hasn't tried to go forward too much but I'm sure it's just a matter of time. It's just a matter of time before he's talking in sentences like Ella, too. This could be a problem.

Ella was sick yesterday. She had a fever of 103 yesterday so I gave her tylenol. She threw up twice--yuck. 2 hours later, she was running around like nothing ever happened. She has some kind of freakish immune system--she rarely gets sick and it doesn't usually last long when she does. She's not quite back to her regular self yet and is kind of tired. No story hour today because I didn't want to infect the other kids (Sorry we missed Kortney!).


Anonymous said...

Your are Nice. And so is your site! Maybe you need some more pictures. Will return in the near future.

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