Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Fun times at Grammie's work

We decided to visit Grammie at her work today. Ella was a little shy at first but quickly warmed up to all of Grammie's work friends (Nita, Janet, Grace, and Katie). I think we picked the best day to go--Nita made veggie pizza which was quite tasty and one of the story hour mommies brought in sugar cookies. We brought our lunch to have with Grammie which was peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, a fruit snack, and goldfish crackers. The best part was that it's National Library Week (so go out and visit your local library everyone!!) and if you checked out a book, you got a king size twix bar. Does it get much better than that? A book and a tasty snack to go along with it. I will caution patrons of my Mom's library, though, do not get chocolate on the book. You may be in for a hefty 2 cent fine if there are chocolatey fingerprints in the books when you return them! : )

Luke was quite the ladies man at the library. He has a little crush on my Mom's friend, Janet. He was very quick to smile at her. He watched everyone eat their food and was a little upset that no one was sharing. I tried to explain to him that when you have no teeth you can't eat veggie pizza but he didn't really want to listen.

Both kids had a great time visiting Grammie at work and now both are taking naps.

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