Friday, June 27, 2008

Mr. Sick-o

Put a shirt on, won't ya? It's a G rated blog.
Aron's (hopefully) on the mend. The MRI came back normal so doctors were able to rule out anything heinous like MS or a tumor or anything. They think that it was just some sort of really nasty virus that got into his system. He's still trying to gain back the 10# he lost and regain his strength.

Feel free to bring the man pies if you see fit. There are rules about pies though: He doesn't consider non-fruit pies to be real pies. Don't try to pass off a French silk or a peanut butter pie on this guy. He's strictly a fruit-only kinda guy. He also thinks that pies require a crust bottom and crust top. He's pretty firm about this but every once in a while if he's feeling weak he'll eat a crumb top apple. Shhh...that'll be our little secret.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Just the opposite of Kevin. If its a fruit pie, its practically a healthy food. Annie