Wednesday, September 16, 2009

What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas: Grammie edition

The culprit in question would be the one on the right (same rule goes for you, Mom. If you purposefully take a crappy picture, I'm going to put it on the blog). The one on the left is my Aunt Pammy...when I talk to my cousins, I get the impression she is about as tough with her grandchildren as my Mom is with hers

Somedays I wonder who is in charge when I have my Mom come over on Tuesdays to watch the kids when I go to work. I tried to make cookies with Ella last week. When we got to the part when you put in brown sugar, I watched Ella put her entire hand into the bag and come out with a big paw full of sugar and she started to eat it. I asked her what in the world she was doing. She laughed at me and said "Grammie lets me do it when she's here."

Oh ho! She does, does she?

So then yesterday I called my Mom while she was watching Ella (Luke was at pre-school so it was just E and Gram--never a good combo). They were laughing like fools and I asked what was so funny. She said they were making cookies. Then Mom shushes me and says "Don't drop it off your spoon, sweetie pie."

Spoon? Drop it off your spoon?


"Maybe. Ok, yes."

The icing on the cake of this story, you ask? The curtains in my living room were ripped off the wall when I got home. The culprit: Luke. What did he say to Grammie after he did it?

"I thought it would hold me, Grammie. I reeeeeally did think it would hold me as I swung around. Sorry"

What was the discipline for ripping my curtains down?

I think you know the answer to that one.


Anonymous said...

Cut Lukie some slack, he's only in pre-school. Our kitchen cabinets will never be right from your swing on them - and you were a teenager at the time!!!!!! You know grammie is uncontrollable so why don't you fire her?????

Annie said...

Zip it, Dad. I could fire her...don't tempt me.