Saturday, September 12, 2009

Back to School--Luke edition

"NO! I do it! I'm a pre-K boy!
"See? I told you I do it!" (even though he's sitting in his sister's car seat)

Here we are! Pismo Beach and all the clams we can eat (only my brother will get that reference)

Gotta hold Mommy and Daddy's hand on the way in!

The obligatory spit bath on the way in.

He gets his own hook and everything! Last year he had to share a hook.

On Tuesday, it was Luke's turn to go back to school. Ella doesn't go back until Wednesday (I know, I know her school is super late in starting. I'm sure there's a reason for it but have no idea what it is). He's in pre-K now (Do yourself a favor: DON'T try to say he's in pre-school. He gets very offended because he is big enough to be what he calls "a pre-k boy" and does not take kindly to mixing up the two). He's going to be there 3 days a week. On Fridays, he'll even eat a lunch there and take part of a nap before Aron gets there to pick him up.
I'd like to say that things went smoothly with the drop off. I'd like to say that there were no tears, no crying, and no tantrums. I'd like to say I was millionaire but this would be as true as the other previous statements.
Here's the thing. He was supposed to have the same teacher from last year, Mrs. Michele. However, Mrs. Michele had to have surgery the week before school started and wasn't quite up to coming in and dealing with 10 pre-schoolers. 'Scuse me. 10 pre-K'ers. So, when he walked in there and she wasn't there, it was a bit of Luke confusion. There was another lady, Mrs. Mack, who was taking her place. If he knew the words "bait and switch" I'm sure he would've used them. If he knew bad words, I'm sure he would've said them. To say he was displeased would be an understatement. A HUGE understatement.
So that's why we don't have any pix of him in the classroom or with his new teacher or with his soon-to-be friends. He's definitely pretty strong willed when it comes to doing things he does not want to do. Again, strong willed being an understatement. I'd like to say that he gets that from Aron's side of the family but that would be one of the biggest lies of the year.
Le sigh.

1 comment:

RMJMJ said...

I definitely agree that Luke is very close to Daffy Duck.