My friend, Con, recently reminded me of this great craft for kids. I never did it when I was small (my mother is very what I would call "not crafty" but we love/like/tolerate her craziness anyway) but I had heard of other kids doing it. You take these tiny little beads and put them on a little plastic animal shaped thingy. Once assembled, you take an iron and essentially melt the plastic beads to fuse them together.
Ella loved it but her kitty's tail broke off which caused some drama. Con can relate because her kid, Sam, had his break, too.
It's tough being a little kid when your craft breaks!
Did she break your heart, like Sam did mine? "I worked so hard on it Mom! I'm so sad!"
Did she break your heart, like Sam did mine? "I worked so hard on it Mom! I'm so sad!"
Did she break your heart, like Sam did mine? "I worked so hard on it Mom! I'm so sad!"
how did I put this on here 3 times?
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