Friday, August 01, 2008

Pottery Nation

Ella's piece was a kitty bank.
T's piece was a circle thingy.
Luke's was a piggy bank.
Here, the excited painters anxiously await my instructions.

The kids and I went to visit Auntie T the other day. I decided to surprise T with a trip to....drum roll, please...HOT POTS! Don't know what Hot Pots is? Click here.


Course, if you ask Tori, I used my "angry face" an awful lot when interacting with the kids. Do you know how hard it is to keep a 2 year old from yanking down an entire rack of pottery?? Very.
Do you know how hard it is to keep that same 2 year old working on just 1 piece of pottery (vs. his grabbing 10 pieces and starting on each one thus making Mommy purchase all of them). Very.

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