Tuesday, January 22, 2008

She's such an interesting mix of characteristics

The hand towel with a little something extra...

Ella and her Baby Annabelle

I find Ella fascinating. Yes, I know she's my kid and I'm supposed to love her to bits (and I do) but sometimes I just find her interesting. She's sweet as the day is long and very insightful. A couple weeks ago, Aron put the kids in bed. Ella asked him to send me up to tuck her in and he said he would. He came downstairs and said "hey, go tuck Ella in because she wants to say goodnight again." I said ok. Now, I have skills in many areas but I do not have a lot of ability when it comes to retaining things to do. Ask me to read something and recite it to you verbatim and I can do it. Ask me to pick up a gallon of milk at the store and I couldn't remember to do if I tried. About an hour later, I hear Ella calling gently from upstairs "Mommy...did you forget something?" Of course, once I heard her voice I remembered that she had wanted tucked in and of course, I felt a pang of guilt that I had forgotten her tucking. I ran upstairs and told her that I was sorry that I didn't come upstairs right away. She looked at me, gave me a little kiss, gestured toward her head with her hands and said (no I'm not making this up) "That's ok, Mommy, sometimes you have a hard time holding things in your mind." I think she just politely told me that I am absent minded.
Most understanding kid ever!

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