Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Livin' La Vida Luke-uh

Yes, Jeanne, that is mint chocolate chip ice cream
I also could have labeled this post "Teeth are for eating, not biting."

Well, it's official. Luke's a biter. The weird part is that he doesn't bite someone when he's angry like you would expect him to. Instead, he bites people mostly when he's really crazy excited about something. Poor Ella is usually the victim but he's also got Grammie and Lindy with a bite. We've tried sitting him down to explain to him why he shouldn't do it, tried time out but nothing seems to get through to him that it hurts and it's not nice.

Now, if you talk to my Mom about it she'll go on (and on and on and on) about how I was a biter when I was little. It's a little different than that, though. I bit my brother because he was mean to me and was so much bigger than me physically (he's four years older and would sit on me just to be a jerk) that I had no other way to defend myself. The biting that Luke does isn't out of spite and it isn't because he's angry, he just goes into overload when he's happy and just chomps down on your arm, leg, or whatever it handy.

Anybody got any ideas on what to do?


Anonymous said...

I would suggest putting an immediate end to whatever it is that is making him so excited, the minute he bites. He'll make the connection that fun time ends with the biting.

My little Heather was a biter, too, but out of frustration. She even bit a kid at vacation Bible school. Talk about embarrassing!

Jeanne said...

How about promising Luke some quality mint chocolate chip ice cream like GRAETERS if he stops biting!
Ok, seriously, I don't have any ideas but I'll ask my Mom what she suggests. If I remember correctly my little sister Heather was a biter. Don't worry she turned out just fine and she just takes her aggression out on the Rugby field now!

Anonymous said...

Bite him back.

Anonymous said...

I've heard "bite him back" from quite a few people. My mother swears it made me stop biting my brother. Well, that and she wouldn't let me watch Mr. Rogers the afternoon I bit Jeff and drew blood. I think not watching Freddie R hurt worse than the bite back!

Anonymous said...

How could bite little Lukie? If you bite Lukie, I'll bite you!!!

Anonymous said...

Don't get your knickers all twisted, Con. I haven't bit him!