Sunday, December 09, 2007

Letters...we get letter...we get stacks and stacks of letters...LETTERS!

Here are the kids with their letters getting ready to give them to the postal carriers. What did the kids want for Christmas you ask? Ella wanted vanilla cupcakes and vanilla frosting. She also wanted vanilla cookies (Seriously, whose kid is this?? I think she might be Auntie T's kid). She also told Santa to be careful driving his sleigh around on Christmas eve when he's delivering the presents and that he could have a cupcake OR cookie (but not both) if he got hungry on the way. Luke wanted trucks.
Guess this means that I'll have to be baking some vanilla cupcakes and cookies on Christmas eve after the kids go to work is never done.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i'm telling you...she's got to be part mine somehow! you know i love all things vanilla...