Saturday, March 17, 2007

Um, a little privacy, please

Ella is thoroughly enjoying her new e-mail account. At least now, she actually has something to check when we're online. She usually has one or two new ones to view. She got a couple e-cards from Auntie T (Tori) and Granny Lanny (Tori's Mom)tonight when we checked. Of course, she wanted to send some back to them so I set her all up by typing in the e-mail addresses for the different cards. We've done these before for various people and typically when it comes to the part where she writes in her personal message in the e-card she'll sit there and say what she's trying to type while typing. This time was different, though. This time she asked me to leave the room. I asked her "You want me to leave?" She said "Yes, mommy, this is private." Private? Private, you say??

When she had the cards all sent, she called me back into the room. So, if any of you ever receive one of these e-cards with a bunch of non-sense letters on it, don't ask me to interpret them for you because I'm not able to be in the room when they're written.

Private! Private indeed! Hmph!

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