Monday, May 25, 2009

Oh, Adam and Eve...why'd you have to partake of that tasty apple?

Seem like you all enjoyed the poll the last time so let's try again with another one.

I've been thinking lately about nudity. Luke's a "shake what your Mama gave you, let's get nakey kinda guy" and would run around nude continuously if allowed. Ella's not too far behind that but is a little more modest when others are around. We haven't really thought too much about it but at what point does it become an issue?

What do you guys think? Please vote.

1 comment:

Con said...

kids learn to be weird about their bodies soon enough...why weird them out any earlier? Yep - I'm the one who said whenever they naturally learn it, or however you put it. You might not want to stop by our house unannounced:)