Wednesday, May 13, 2009

I find their insight interesting

What goes on in the noggin of yours, little guy?

Recently, my Grandma was moved to an extended care facility. She had stayed at the hospital for about 6 weeks after her surgery in March. Right before she left the hospital, we took the kids for their first visit to see GG (as they call her) since her surgery. We had waited because we were not sure how the kids would respond. She looked very different than the last time they had seen her because she had swelling and bruising of the head for quite a while and part of her head was shaved where they did the surgery. She has not recovered like we would have liked. She's mostly in bed and cannot talk but she'll hold your hand if you put yours by hers.

The kids did pretty well in that first visit (and have continued to do well in the subsequent ones). After the first visit, I sat down with the kids and we talked a bit about how GG looked and acted different than she did before. They didn't really have much to say but mostly wanted to know when GG would be going home and when she would get better. We kept our answers vague and didn't answer much other than that she was sick and needed to stay there to get better. At the end of the conversation, Luke looked at me and said "She's still the same GG...she's just lying down. And she doesn't give us chocolate"

Where does a 3 year old get insight like that?

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