Tuesday, May 05, 2009

Aunt Jenny Rules. Aunt Jenny Stinks. Aunt Jenny both rules and stinks at the same time.

Man, they were happy to do this crap, I mean, craFT.

See how many dang parts there are? Dang. And that paper sitting off to the side? Yeah, those were instructions. Instructions I had to reference multiple times.
You gotta pick out what you want him to look like from all the pieces...you know, 2 heads, 2 bottoms, a head and a bottom
I had to roll and cut "meteor mud"
Alien imprint is clearly visible in the meteor mud.
See the outline of the future martian?Then you dump for of the goo (aka Martian Matter) in to form your martian

Cover him with a circle of more martian mud
Let him set up in the mud for a while

**Poke Poke** Hey Martian...you done cookin yet? Annie's tired.
**Poke Poke**Sorry I didn't get a better pic than this...the newly born Martians are in the little bubbles. Click on the pic to enlarge

So my friend, Jenny, thinks she's funny because she provides my kids with gifts that are either loud or annoying or a combo of both of these characteristics. She's quite popular with the kids for this reason but UNPOPULAR with me.
She got Ella a Martian Maker recently. I'm not ready for toys that involve so many steps/toys that I have to read instructions (and re-read and reference and re-reference so many time) in order to complete.
Paybacks are a mother, Jenny. Grrrrrrrr.

1 comment:

Jenny said...

I'm finally back to blogging and just read how awesome I am! I'm glad it was fun for all.