Monday, September 29, 2008

Auntie T is town!

Who's excited about Auntie T coming? This guy!
Auntie T and Ella talking about butterflies
Auntie T posting their butterfly on Ella's window.

Last weekend, Auntie T came to visit. We tried to go to the Franklin Park Conservatory to see their butterfly exhibit but it was closed. We ran around and did a few other errands then came back to our house to play for a while. Auntie T likes to nuture the girly in Ella so she came well stocked with craft supplies, dresses, and butterfly stuff.


Guillermo y Mercedes said...

beautiful the childrens!!
This is our blog:
P.D. Slide Comment

Anonymous said...

i do spend time with lukie, too, you know. ;) i'm totally stealing all of these pictures, since what i have on my camera are three self-portraits of you. not that they aren't lovely and all...