Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Do you want the good news or the bad news first?

***Good news***--Luke is not allergic to bees.

***Bad news***--Luke got stung by a bee.

We've always been fearfully waiting for the day that one of the kids are stung by a bee. Aron is severely allergic to bees. When he was younger, he had anaphalactic shock from a sting from a bee. He took shots of bee venom for years to build up his tolerance.

Anyone who has watched the kids for me has been warned of the possibility that this trait may have been passed on to the kids. Yesterday, Luke got stung while at the pool. Our babysitter immediately took him out of the pool and watched him closely for signs of problems. He ended up being just fine (other than the fact that the bee sting hurt) and was able to eat cookies and chew gum the rest of the afternoon (to soothe the pain, of course).

Whew! It's a good thing our beloved babysitter (aka Katie-sitter) was on her toes!

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