Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Sheriff, There's a Thief in These Here Parts...

The Graham Cracker Bandit
His trusty sidekick
I ran upstairs yesterday to grab something. In the thirty seconds I was gone, Luke managed to get in my corner cupboard and open the box and start eating graham crackers. I think he had a co-conspirator (think the girl in the pink next to him--can you tell she picked out her own outfit?).
This in and of itself is not so bad. What's a couple graham crackers, huh?
The funniest part of this story happened today when Grammie was watching the kids while I was at work. My called me at 1:00 like she always does to give me the run down of how the kids are, etc, etc. She told me that she had walked in the kitchen and when she returned to the living room, Luke was sitting there eating a graham cracker. She thought this was odd because she hadn't given him one. He finished that one off and she left to go to the bathroom. When she came back, Luke was eating another graham cracker in the living room. She finally figured out that he must have a hidden stash of graham crackers somewhere in the living room. He must've put them in there sometime after I went upstairs yesterday and when I returned thirty seconds later to find him in the cupboard. After he stashed them, he must've been hungry and this is when I found him.
Thief I tell you! Thief!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

He reminds me of a squirrel hiding their nuts.