Wednesday, March 11, 2009

A Trip to the Promised Land

My Mom picks the kids up from pre-school on Tuesdays and she tends to let herself get talked into McDonald's. Read into that the kids just have to mention that they would like to get "nuggets, fries, chocolate milk" and she's halfway to the drive-thru. Yesterday, the kids hinted at getting McD's and my Mom reluctantly gave in (read into that she said "Yeah we can get Micky D's, kids...just don't tell your mother." She's teaching them to lie but who am I to judge, right?). Ella then launched into a dissertation about how McDonald's is unhealthy and they shouldn't be eating it. My Mom, being already in the drive-thru line and all, said "Well then, what do you want instead?" Ella said "Nuggets, fries, and chocolate milk. Hey--and don't forget the pies!"

I see a future in dietetics!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I do not encourage the kids to lie to their Mom. If she didn't give them such a hard time about the food, they wouldn't feel like they shouldn't tell. Besides, they only get McDonald's if they have been working hard in preschool and they need the extra bad stuff. Sometimes that's just what Gram's are for. All my hard earned money should not just go to your Dad for e-bay!