Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii, part 2

So I decided (I would say "we" as in Aron and I but he was only minimally on board with this idea) Santa would get E and L a Wii for Christmas. They seem to enjoy it when they play it at MyMy's house (well, they enjoy it when they can wrestle it away from Uncle Jeffy, that is) so why not?

I decided the Tuesday before Thanksgiving that we would buy the Wii. I called 10 bazillion different stores and no one had one. I looked online at 10 bazillion different stores and no one had any in stock. I found one place that had them but I had to buy it as part of a bundle of accessories and games to the point that it was $500.

Um, thanksbutnothanks.

I decided to call my local handy dandy Radio Shack. (This is where you think I'm going to say that they had them but, alas, you would be horribly mistaken, my friend.). However, the Radio Shack guy was kind enough to use whatever powers he has to check online at his competitors to see if they have them. He found a store at a mall that has very little business about 15 minutes away from my house. This was great but I was at work. From work, it's about 60 minutes away. So I called the store and they said they did, indeed, have 3 Wiis in stock but no, they could not hold one for me. My work friends kept trying to convince me that I needed to immediately leave work to go and get one. I resisted. I did end up leaving an hour early to go because I would have to take an alternate route home that takes longer and is known to have bad traffic congestion at the time I leave work.

I got to the store (a Game Stop for those of you who might need it), walked in and said "Hey, I'd like a Wii, please." The sales guy looked at me and said in a very hushed tone "It's in the back I'll get it for you." I said Ok and went on my merry way looking at the games available on the wall. The guy came back out and said in an excited whisper "I have the Wii behind the counter when you are ready." Again I said Ok and kept looking at the games. A different sales person came up beside me and said "Hi, can I help you find any games?" I said No thanks, I'm just trying to think about it. She then said in an equally hushed tone "We have the Wii behind the counter when you are ready." At this point, I felt a little weird. I kept waiting for them to tell me the eagle has landed or something equally as cryptic. Again I said Ok. I finally decided on a game so I went to the counter and said "I'd like this and you also have a Wii for me." The guy closed his eyes and nodded slowly. I tried to make conversation with the sales person and said "Hey these things are hard to find. How many do you have left?" The guy then told me (no I'm not making this up) "I cannot disclose that." I didn't know what to say so I just paid for it. The guy then tells me that he will be double wrapping the bag. I said ok. He then suggested to me that if I'm going to take my Wii out to the car that I put it in the trunk and not my back seat so that the window doesn't get busted out.

Dude, I just wanted a stupid Wii for my kids and ended up feeling like I was a part of a drug deal or something.


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