Monday, February 04, 2008

What do you mean "Communion is not a buffet??"

We went to church on Sunday. It was Communion Sunday and Ella and Luke decided that they would like to have communion like everyone else (aka they asked if they could have a piece of bread and juice). It was fine with us so they went up front to get it. They patiently waited their turns (a miracle) and each took one piece. Luke thought it was pretty tasty and I heard him say "mmm" went he ate it. Then he saw our Pastor walking away with the container of bread and he said "More bread!" I told him it was time to have the juice and he said ok. After he drank the juice, he said "more bread, please." I didn't say anything and we started to walk away and then he started to get serious about getting more bread so the whole way back to our seat he yelled "More bread! More bread!More bread!More bread!More bread!More bread!More bread!" I had to sit him down and explain that Communion was not a buffet. He didn't agree. After church, the woman who organizes the bread and juice let him have a go at the leftovers. He dove at the plate. He came up with two fistfuls of the bread and gestured with his head and grunted that I needed to grab another cup of juice for him.



Anonymous said...

Jesus is loving this. "More Bread" sounds like a catchy sermon title.

Anonymous said...

This really is one of the funniest things I've read in a long time!