Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Darn! I'm not adopted.

My parents have always told me that I'm adopted. Something about finding me in a ditch many years ago and feeling bad for me so they let me come live with them. They think they're funny like that (disclaimer: No, I'm not really adopted. My parents just wanted to jerk my chain a little. I look just like my mother so there's no choice but for them to claim me).

Anyhoos, I've always made fun of my Dad for his, shall we say, lack of memory. He tends to forget virtually everything that you tell him unless it's something that's related to OSU football or food. Seriously, he retains less of what you tell him than Luke. When I was in college, I used to call him instead of my Mom to ask him to have her send/bring me something I needed (most typically, it was money I needed but occasionally it was other things) because he worked for OSU and I could call him for free instead of calling my Mom long distance. These were the days before the widespread use of cell phones, their unlimited minutes packages, etc, etc. I used to actually have to tell him, "Dad, get out a piece of paper. Now get a pen. I want you to write down on your paper that I need Mom to send me $50 cause I'm broke and you love me so you have to send me money." Then I would have to tell him "Now, take that paper and put it in your front shirt pocket" (my dad always wore the same style of shirt to work--a plaid, button down with a pocket on the upper left side of the chest area) "because when you get home, you'll put your shirt on the back of your chair in the bedroom. Mom will see it then take the stuff out of your pocket before she tosses it in the laundry. Then she'll see there's a note from me and she'll ask you about it. Of course, you'll barely remember having talked to me on the phone but you'll at least have this note to guide her along in what I need. Don't put it in your pants because Mom doesn't always see those lying on the floor right away but she always sees your shirt hanging on the back of the chair"

The other day, I realized that I am evolving into my Dad. I went to the store the other night with Ella. Before we left our house, I told Ella we were going to the store for cat food, milk, and bread and to remind me what we needed once we got there. I got Ella out of the car, got a cart, put Ella in it, and walked into the store only to realize that I had no idea what I had gone to the store for. Hmm...butter? No, that's not it. Grapes? Well, I could buy grapes but that doesn't seem to ring a bell as to why I was there. Cookies? While they would be tasty, I don't think we really need cookies. I stood in the produce section for a minute or two trying to think. Crap! I realized I was going to have to ask her what we needed, when Ella asked why we weren't going anywhere. I told her that Mommy was trying to think of why we were there. She said "Mommy we're here for milk, bread, and food for Jane." Ding, ding, ding! That rings a bell. I picked up milk and bread and tossed them in the cart. When we got to the cat food aisle, I reached for a bag of food but then I heard Ella tell me "Not that one, Mommy. Remember, it makes Janie's belly hurt." Huh? What? Oh yeah, that's right. Jane doesn't feel well if she eats Purina.

Will Ella some day be blogging about how forgetful her Mom is?



Anonymous said...

This is totally acceptable in you, Anna. When you give birth, you push (or at least normal women do - as I write this, your excuse is diminishing) so hard, that you kill brain cells. Therefore, you remember less after you have children. Your Dad has no excuse. After I give it some thought, it is only somewhat acceptable in you b/c you didn't have to really push. But, you did vomit a lot during pregnancy and that is kind of like pushing, so we'll say it's due to that. Your Dad, however, did not go through pregnancy, vomit a lot or push during childbirth - therefore - he has no excuse. He was just an absent minded professor type.

Anonymous said...

I seem to recall a vomiting incident while you were pregnant...

Anonymous said...

Connie, Connie, Connie!!!!!! How do you know what her dad did not go through? Were you there??? Maybe he had a lot of vomiting - and pushing too - when he thought about paying the bill for her education and providing those inspirational educational vacations. Maybe his pregancy was just a little different than you are familiar with. She sure does ramble on a lot for being brain dead - bet she got that from her mother.