Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Luke's development

Luke continues to grow by leaps and bounds. He's such a little cutie pie. He's picking up on new words all the time and his baby babbles are getting clearer. Over the weekend, we pointed to Myles and asked him who it was. He replied "Myyyyy My." He also knows my Dad's name (He says "Paaaaaah Puh" instead of Poppy but it's close enough). I think he can say Granny Lindy's ("Lynn-eeeeeee") name now.

He enjoys reading books with me now and likes to point to pictures when I ask him where things are. He's tries to be very independent at meal times and insists on holding his own spoon/fork while trying to scoop food in his mouth. Some body parts are identified like belly, nose, mouth, ears, hair.

My little big boy.

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