Thursday, March 30, 2006

Story hour and Myles over for lunch--could it get any better?

I don't think it could get any better than that for my little Ella. We walked to story hour today in a double stroller. Luke slept the entire way there and back but was awake for the actual story hour. Ella sat perched in the front seat of the stroller and pointed things out as we went along. If I would try to respond to her and have a conversation with her, she would pause in her narration and say "Mommy! Hush! Lukie sleeping!" Who doesn't love a 2 year old bossing you around?? As usual, Miss Lori did a bang up job with the kiddies--how in the world does she manage to keep the attention of 25 kids under the age of 3?? I'll never know. The best part of story hour today was the craft (yeah!) which was a bracelet made of pipe cleaner and fruit loops. Could Ella have been any happier? No! As could be expected, there was much eating of the fruit loops and very little working on our fine motor skills (stringing the fruit loops on the pipe cleaner) but who cares, the kids had fun. After story hour, I thought I should walk to the store to pick up some milk for the kids. I forgot that on the way back from the store it's a steep uphill climb--going to the store isn't too bad because you're going down. Coming back up is a bear especially when I'm pushing 26# of Ella, 15# of Luke, 8# from the gallon of milk plus whatever the stroller weighs. Let's just say my lungs were burning while Ella was screaming "faster, Mommy, faster. No stop, Mommy--GOOOOOOOOOO." YIKES! We got home about 2 minutes before Myles and Aunt Robbie came over for lunch. It was hot dogs and mac and cheese--yum. Ella wanted to steal Myles' hot dog which he was ok with because he's not much of a meat eater (even if it is just pseudo meat like what's in hot dogs). We all know how Ella loves her meat--basically, if it stops moving long enough she's going to try to eat it. She's such a carnivore! There was much playing, goofing around, and sharing of toys. Luke had some sweet potato baby food which is his current favorite. He's my Little Sweet Potato!

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